Below follows a list of courses for which I have had the responsibility as the course coordinator and lecturer. Videos and lecture notes for the course MVE425 can be found here. More teaching material will be added later.
Kommutativ algebra (Commutative algebra)
Örebro University (MA110A), 7.5 HEC. Spring 2022 and 2024.
Algebra och representationsteori (Algebra and representation theory)
Örebro University (MA105A), 7.5 HEC. Spring 2023, together with Jens Fjelstad.
Flervariabelanalys 1 (Multivariable calculus 1)
Örebro University, 6.0 HEC. Subcourse of Matematik IIIa och IIIb, inriktning gymnasieskolan (Mathematics IIIa and IIIb, with a specialisation in upper secondary school teaching, MA702G/MA723G). Each autumn 2020–2023.
Envariabelanalys I (Single variable calculus I)
Örebro University (MA152G, also subcourse of MA702G). Each autumn 2020–2023.
Matematik D (Mathematics D)
Chalmers, 10.5 HEC. Subcourse of Matematik för tekniskt basår (Mathematics for the foundation year programme, MVE425). Spring 2020.
Algebra och talteori (Algebra and number theory)
University of Gothenburg, 7.5 HEC. Subcourse of Matematik 5 för gymnasielärare (Mathematics 5 for teachers in upper secondary school, LGMA50). Spring 2020.
Linjär algebra och differentialekvationer (Linear algebra and differential equations)
Chalmers (MVE570), 7.5 HEC. Autumn 2019.
Inledande diskret matematik (Introduction to discrete mathematics)
Chalmers (TMV210), 7.5 HEC. Autumn 2019.
Algebra (Linear algebra)
Chalmers (LMA019), 7.5 HEC. Autumn 2018.
Matematisk fysik (Mathematical physics)
University of Gothenburg, 2 HEC. Subcourse of Fysik 1 för gymnasielärare i naturkunskap (Physics for high school teachers in science, LGNK50). Spring 2018.